Walter Santagata passed away unexpectedly, leaving a deep emptiness. His cultural creatures are various, and important: the Master World Heritage at Work whose pupils are cultural professionals from all over the world; the Research Centre Silvia Santagata-EBLA devoted to the exploration of the emerging horizons of the cultural system; many books offering non-prejudicial interpretations of cultural creation, production and diffusion; a group of young scholars who form a solid and dynamic team thanks to his constructive encouragement and to his trust.
Walter leaves fertile ideas upon which we need to reflect: the sound hybridation of institutional culture with the basic forms of creativity, the connections between territorial design and social quality of the arts, the need to encourage access to culture without intolerance. He managed to craft new ideas but he never defended them acritically, always accepted discussion and respectfully listened to objections. He taught many young cultural economists, as well as humanists and technicians, that a constantly evolving system such as the arts world must be carefully observed predicting its development and perspective.
Active in the international cultural system Walter considered Italy a place rich of experience and atmosphere but always preferred reciprocal exchange to conventional hegemony, dedication to formal role, the ability to build to the pleasure of showing. His many high quality projects have been made possible due to the energy aimed at conceiving and realising them, trust in young researchers, the ability to convince institutions and professionals normally reluctant. It is important to keep his ideas and intuitions alive; it is crucial to safeguard his scientific and professional method based upon curiosity, exchange and reciprocal esteem.